Planning Application: 245937 (Cork County Council )
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Applicant name:
Uisce Éireann (UE)
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Permission for the Midleton Wastewater Loading Diversion Project which will consist of the provision of a new foul pumping station and rising main connection to Water-Rock wwps. The works include:
1. New foul pumping station (Midleton South) located within the existing Bailick No.1 wastewater pumping station site, to include wet well, valve chamber, flowmeter chamber, mcc kiosk, wash water kiosk, lighting, vent stack and all necessary mechanical and civil works to accommodate the proposal.
2. Alterations to the existing site access at Bailick No.1 wwps site will require removal of sections of the existing wall / hedgerow. To be replaced with a new fence behind the visibility lines.
3. Approximately 1,800m of rising main connecting the Midleton South WwPS to the Water-Rock wwps, to include air / scoure valve chambers and 6m vent stack at Kennedy Park. The route will travel along Bailick Road, Kennedy Park and Riverside Way. Adjacent to Midleton Gyratory, the route will cross the Owenacurra river using trenchless methods and run along Market Green Plaza to Market Green.
A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the planning authority with the application. The Natura Impact Statement will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the office of the relevant planning authority.
Development Address:
Bailick No.1 Wastewater Pumping Site, Bailick Road, Kennedy Park & Riverside Way, Adjacent to Midleton, Owencurra River, Market Green Plaza to Market Gree, Townparks & Knockgriffin, Midleton, Co. Cork