Planning Application: 245986 (Cork County Council )
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Food Surplus Management Ltd
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Permission for Retention for a change of use from permitted use of a "storage shed" to a "waste transfer facility" to accept up to 4,500 tonnes per annum at the Food Surplus Management (FSM) facility and Permission for a modest increase in tonnages received at the Food Surplus Management (FSM) facility from 4,500 tonnes per annum to 6,000 tonnes per annum. The waste transfer facility currently collects up to 4,500 tonnes/annum of: former foodstuffs and catering waste of animal origin (animal by-product (ABP)) collected in wheelie bins (with some bulk i.e. pallets and pallet boxes) by FSM fleet and subject to the current DAFM Licence IRL EC C3-0015. This material is bulked for recovery by way of anaerobic digestion (AD) off-site and,
former foodstuff of non-animal origin (non-ABP), collected in wheelie bins (with some bulk i.e. pallets and pallet boxes) by FSM fleet. This material includes materials such as fruit, vegetables, bread and confectionary. This produce is bulked onsite and sent for AD recovery (off-site). On-site facilities and equipment include: warehouse (815m2), floor scales, transfer machinery, hopper and screw feed, pumps, internal drainage system and associated tanks, floor scrubber, pallet boxes/bins, power washer, x3 rigid curtain sided vehicles, x1 larger articulated tractor unit & trailer, outbound bulk trailer, x1 forklift, x1 shunter vehicle. The permission for a modest increase to 6,000 tonnes/annum would include the same foodstuffs as described above.