Planning Application: 246119 (Cork County Council )
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Iarnród Éireann
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Permission for carpark alterations. These alterations will include the following: the partial demolition and relocation of stone walls at the entrance to the train station to widen the current vehicular access, revisions to car parking layout to include a c.3,018m2 extension of the existing car park to the east creating a total number of 66 no. car parking spaces, including 7 no. EV charging spaces and 5 no. accessible parking bays, 10 no. bicycling parking spaces, a bicycle shelter, bus set down areas, the creation of bus interchange area to west, including the demolition of an existing road boundary wall, improved accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists, a pedestrian crossing point to link the bus interchange area with the train station, retaining walls, public lighting, railings and all associated site works. Millstreet train station is a protected structure RPS no. 00323